What is LTH Supply?

Warren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

This sentiment aligns with the concept of Bitcoin’s Long-Term Holder (LTH) Supply, a metric that sheds light on investor behavior and market stability over time.

Understanding Long-Term Holder (LTH) Supply

The LTH Supply refers to the amount of Bitcoin held by investors who have kept their assets for more than 155 days.

Research suggests that after this period, holders are statistically less likely to sell their Bitcoin impulsively, indicating a long-term commitment.

Blockchain data provides insight into which wallets have retained their Bitcoin for extended periods, offering a glimpse into the behavior of these long-term investors.

Why Does LTH Supply Matter?

LTH Supply is an important metric for understanding Bitcoin market dynamics.

Several key factors make it significant:

  1. Market Stability: A high LTH Supply can contribute to price stability, as long-term holders are less likely to react to short-term market fluctuations.
  2. Market Sentiment: The increase or decrease of LTH Supply can offer a reflection of how confident holders are about Bitcoin’s future.
  3. Market Trends: Monitoring LTH Supply can provide insight into broader market cycles and potential shifts in investor behavior.

The behavior of long-term holders often interacts with market cycles.

For instance:

  • Rising LTH Supply: When this supply increases, it often signals that holders are confident, despite market volatility.
  • Falling LTH Supply: Conversely, a drop in LTH Supply can suggest that some long-term holders are cashing out or reallocating their investments, possibly in response to changing market conditions.

During periods of market growth, long-term holders may take profits, causing a dip in LTH Supply.

In contrast, during downturns, LTH Supply tends to increase as short-term investors exit the market, and the more committed holders retain their positions.


LTH Supply offers a valuable perspective on the behavior of Bitcoin investors, particularly those with a long-term outlook.

While it’s one of many metrics used to analyze the market, tracking LTH Supply provides insights into the underlying sentiment and stability within the Bitcoin ecosystem.