What is Mayer Multiple?

Navigating the world of Bitcoin can be overwhelming, especially with its frequent price swings.

One tool that can provide helpful insights into Bitcoin’s price movements is the Mayer Multiple.

This metric offers a unique way to evaluate Bitcoin’s position relative to its longer-term trends.

Let’s take a closer look at what the Mayer Multiple is and how it can assist in understanding Bitcoin’s market behavior.

What is the Mayer Multiple?

The Mayer Multiple is a ratio that compares Bitcoin’s current price to its 200-day moving average.

The formula is straightforward:

Mayer Multiple = Current Bitcoin Price / 200-day Moving Average

This ratio helps put Bitcoin’s current price into context, offering a quick way to assess whether it might be considered high or low relative to its recent performance.

While it doesn’t predict future price movements, it gives a useful snapshot of where Bitcoin stands compared to its longer-term average.

How to Calculate the Mayer Multiple

Here’s how you can calculate the Mayer Multiple in a few steps:

  1. Find the current price of Bitcoin (e.g., $30,000).
  2. Look up the 200-day moving average (e.g., $25,000).
  3. Divide the current price by the 200-day moving average: $30,000 / $25,000 = 1.2.

Tools like Bitbo’s charts can help automate this process, providing the Mayer Multiple in real-time without the need for manual calculations.

Interpreting the Mayer Multiple

Once you have the Mayer Multiple, it can offer insight into Bitcoin’s market status:

  • A value above 1 could suggest Bitcoin’s price is higher than its 200-day average.
  • A value below 1 could indicate the price is lower than the average.

Historically, when the Mayer Multiple rises significantly above 1, it has sometimes coincided with periods of elevated prices.

On the other hand, when the value dips below 1, Bitcoin has been priced lower compared to its long-term trend.

While these patterns are noteworthy, they should be considered as one data point among many.

Why the Mayer Multiple is Useful

The Mayer Multiple is valued for several reasons:

  1. Simplicity – It’s easy to calculate and understand.
  2. Historical Context – It helps to visualize where Bitcoin is positioned in the broader market cycle.
  3. Noise Reduction – It can help cut through daily price fluctuations by focusing on longer-term trends.

However, it’s important to note that while the Mayer Multiple can be helpful, it’s not a standalone solution.

It is most effective when used in conjunction with other market indicators and data points.


  1. Can the Mayer Multiple be applied to other assets?
    While it can theoretically be used for other assets, it’s most commonly used for Bitcoin due to its established history.

  2. What’s a typical Mayer Multiple range?
    Historically, values between 1. and 2.4 are normal, but market conditions can vary.

  3. How does the Mayer Multiple compare to other indicators?
    It complements other tools and works best when combined with additional metrics for a fuller analysis.

  4. Is there an app for tracking the Mayer Multiple?
    Bitbo’s website allows users to track the Mayer Multiple and other metrics easily on the go.